ak premium tourer
Available from 650.000 * EUR
* plus VAT
The AK Premium Tourer offers state-of-the-art hospitality at the race track. This special-purpose vehicle, sophisticated down to the last detail, offers you the right solution for all your needs. Thanks to the modular design, it is absolutely flexible: Anything is possible from 80m² and 230m² or from 20 to 250 people. You can also expand your AK Premium Tourer in increments, as the modules can also be purchased separately. And you can set up your hospitality space quickly – depending on the size, the team needs 1 to 3 days to prepare the exclusive event location for you and your guests. A fully integrated air-conditioning and heating system rounds off the technical refinements of the AK Premium Tourer so you can also use it during the winter months.

customer testimonial: eila

Technical equipment

Kitchen equipment
Bar equipment